
Fruits & Vegetables vs. Supplements
For many years, the medical and scientific communities didn’t believe that there was such a direct link between proper nutrition and superior health. Professional advice was that we got all the nutrients we needed from our daily diet so taking vitamins was not really necessary. They believed that, for the most part, illness and disease was just something that happened naturally or was...
Our Health Friends!
Why is it so important to take protibiotics? Probiotic is not ONLY useful, it's necessary ingredient for health of our body. Probiotics, which means ‘for life’, have been used for centuries as natural components in health-promoting foods. One that you would most readily recognize is yogurt. Probiotics are “friendly or good” bacteria similar to the beneficial microorganisms...
Constipation and Health
Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. There are few feelings worse than that “plugged up” sensation you get when things aren’t moving the way they should. Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. Bloating, gas, cramps, and multiple trips to the bathroom can be miserable. Your body is trying to tell you something is wrong and the root...
Blood sugar imbalance
Why is it so important to keep blood sugar level where it should be? When we consume a diet of mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as other whole, natural, unprocessed plant foods, we tend to have much better blood sugar control than those who eat more processed foods and high fat animal foods. We set the stage for many diseases when our blood sugar level becomes too high. Two factors...
Water and health
One of the biggest health secrets is the value of drinking water, and drinking enough water every day. Why is it so important to drink enough water? Lack of water causes loss of muscle tone, excess weight gain, slow metabolism, increased toxicity, and even organ failure. Other negative effects include arthritis, dry skin, migraines, hypertension, digestive complications, and persistent...
Acid-alkaline balance
What is the acid/alkaline balance? Why is it so important to optimize it? Can it cause the disease? How else it affects our lifes? What do we need to optimize acid/alkaline balance and to reflect it in our diet? Your body is a complex system that needs to strike a delicate balance between acidity and alkalinity in order to not only survive, but to thrive. The proper acid/alkaline balance varies...