Is Your Health History Set in Stone?

Family Genes and health

You may know that your family has a lengthy history of problems in terms of health. And while this might seem like a sort of ‘death’ sentence when it comes to having good health, your genes aren’t the only things which matter when it comes to your health future. You have more control over your body and how it will act in the future than you might think. While genes certainly play their role, they are not the only thing to affect your future days.

What Genes Can Do To Our Health

When someone has a disease, it can be caused by a variety of conditions. For example, perhaps your mother and your mother’s mother had troubles with heart disease. As a result, you might believe you have no way of avoiding this condition. While there might be a genetic component of this condition, with the hearts of the women in the family having troubles, but there is usually more than just genes to consider. Perhaps the women in the family also ate a lot of meat or were not generally active in terms of exercise. You need to consider all of these factors when you look at genetics – and most of the time you will see that you have more control than you think.

How to Fight Your Genes For Better Health

Family health senior and kids

How you treat your body often helps you more than your genetics hurt your body. If you start having good health habits right now, you will begin to see the benefits. By switching to a more active lifestyle and eating healthy foods, you will support your body and help it to avoid the risks which might be increased by your genetics. You can also make sure that you are getting health checkups earlier so that you’re able to take medications if needed to slow down damage in your body.

Balancing Genes and Healthy Lifestyle

While genes can impact your health, they should serve more to help you see what you can do about your health. Instead of looking at a history of heart disease as something you can’t avoid, you can look at this as an opportunity to start heart healthy habits right now. In doing so, you will begin to change the way your heart works, protecting it as much as you can. Knowing that you might be at risk can be the motivation you need to maintain a lifestyle that is healthy.

When you take care of your health, you will be able to change the way your health history turns out. And perhaps this will help you to pass on healthier genes to others in your family. Maybe the next generation won’t have to worry about the health woes of the past.

You Should Monitor Your Health Daily

Health Snapshot

With Health Snapshot, you will get a full assessment of your health, with seven different measurement points, in just five minutes. By monitoring the state of your health, you can be the one in charge of your body once more. You don’t have to wait around for a doctor to tell you that you are sick. You can watch your health levels change with this software program. And if you notice the daily measurements are heading downward, you can take action by changing your habits. But if those changes still don’t make a difference to your Health Snapshot values, it’s time to get additional help to get healthy.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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