Family Health Tips for Summer Time

Family and Summer

When the sun is shining in the sky, it seems all is perfect in the world. Though summertime is a time when it seems there are no cares, you still need to be concerned about your family health. By taking the time to have a few basic changes in your daily routine, you can make sure your family is health for all of the longer days and that they are safe from possible problems in the sunshine.

More Sunscreen All the Time

The power of the sun can be difficult to judge, especially when you’ve been cooped up all winter in the house. The warmth of the sun feels great on the skin, but each time you tan or burn, you are causing your skin to become damaged. By teaching your children to apply sunscreen all the time, you will encourage them to have healthier sun habits. Sunscreen should be applied every hour or so, or when the skin becomes wet or sweaty. For those who have very sensitive skin, a sunscreen which blocks UVB and UVA rays is essential, as well as a sunblock with 30SPF or greater. All areas of exposed skin should be coated, using about one ounce of sunscreen for the entire body. Do not forget to monitor your health changes with Health Snapshot. It helps reveal unfriendly sun exposure on your skin early.

Water is on the Menu

Family Health and Summer Activities

When the temperatures are warmer outside, the body uses up more water since it sweats to keep itself cool. In order to keep the body cool, you need to be drinking more liquids for your family health. Drinking water is ideal, with at least eight cups of water being on the menu each day. Children who might have troubles drinking so much water should be given regular popsicles made with low sugar ingredients. This way, they can cool down without eating too much sugar at the same time. Give your children water to drink with breakfast, with lunch, and with dinner. They will stay hydrated and healthy through the whole summer.

Ward Off Mosquitoes and Other Bugs

The warm months are also the times when bugs can be more rampant and affect your family health. You might want to invest in natural mosquito repellants in order to keep the bugs from attacking your skin and possibly transmitting West Nile virus or other diseases. Ticks are another common part of being outside, so check the legs and ankles when you come in to make sure no ticks are there. Remove them with tweezers if they are present to avoid infection.

The more you do to protect your family health, the more likely you are to keep your family safe from harmful situations and illnesses which can be easily forgotten during the blissful summer months.

Health Monitoring at Home Makes Sense

Health Snapshot

When you use a program like Health Snapshot at home, you can let your doctor into your home without having to go to an health check appointment everyday. They will be able to see the seven different health indicators change as your habits change. You will also be able to do this health assessment on a daily basis as the test only take a few minutes of your time. This program is simple and it keeps track of all of your results over the course of time, showing you and your doctor what your health really looks like – in and out of the doctor’s office.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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