Why Health Monitoring Results are Affected by Your Weight

Health Monitoring And Weight

Being overweight is not the most desirable place to be, but did you know that your health monitoring results can be affected by the extra pounds too? When your body is at its ideal weight, it will begin to change – and not just physically. Your health will begin to suffer and it might not be noticeable at first. The more years you spend being overweight, the more likely it is that you will begin to see that your health monitoring results were right – you aren’t as well as you think you are.


Your Body isn’t Well When it’s Overweight

When you are carrying around additional pounds, this is causing your body to work harder in order to move, to breathe, and to nourish itself. You will find that you are more tired than you were before the extra pounds and that your health monitoring tests begin to show that you are not well. While you might not feel sick, you certainly feel unwell, which can be an early sign of disease and of trouble. You tax your body when you are overweight, which leads to damage in the organs, the cells, and in other areas of the body. The more damage you have, the harder it is for your body to be made well again. To give you some numbers, Health Snapshot results show "out of balance" for 90% of overweight people. Biological Age Test shows that people with extra weight carry over 4 or more extra years for their biological body.

Extra Pounds Can be the Result of Illness or Imbalance

Health Monitoring And Beauty

Sometimes, those extra pounds may not be your fault, though they might be the fault of an illness. If you’ve been gaining weight and your health monitoring reports have been getting worse, without any additional calories being added to your diet, you might want to go to our doctor. In some patients, this extra weight can be the result of a tumor, a thyroid problem or even another illness. Finding out what the illness is and treating it can improve your health monitoring results and your weight. If you do not change your eating habits but have a declining trend in Health Snapshot (and/or gaining extra weight), it is a sign to visit a doctor.

Stress Can Play a Role

When you’re eating too much, it’s often because you are feeling stressed. This stress can affect your health monitoring as well. A body which is stressed is one which will need to work harder to keep up with the things it needs to do, causing you to feel run down, then you eat to get more energy – it’s a difficult cycle to break. If you are able to reduce your stress, however, you will begin to change the way you look and the way you feel. Using Stress Sweeper on a regular basis - for 15 minutes before going to bed - helps reduce stress and normalize blood pressure.

Your health monitoring results are impacted by how much you weigh and why you weigh more than you think you should. By losing the weight, you will improve your health and the way you look – not a bad combination.

Testing Your Biological (Body's) Real Age

Biological Age Test

The Biological Age Test can help you find out in moments what your biological age is and how your age is changing. For some, this might mean they are aging too rapidly. For others, good habits may show that their biological age is moving downward, making them healthier and more youthful. It’s never too late to make changes in your life either. No matter what the results, being able to track one’s biological age will help you find out whether you are heading in the right direction for health or if you need to turn around and ask for more directions.

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The Health Snapshot Program for Health Monitoring

Health Snapshot

The Health Snapshot program helps you look into the state of your health every day. As you check in with your health levels each day, you will begin to see that your health is changing daily. This will allow you to make health decisions based on the findings. And in many cases, you can do things to make yourself feel better, based on the seven levels of readings you see on the computer screen. Scientifically valid and quick, the Health Snapshot program makes sense for those who don’t want to spend all of their time or money at the doctor’s office. Be careful though, like any other program it’s not a doctor replacement and not a treatment for any medical need.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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Biological Age Test

Biological Age Test. Personal tool to evaluate and monitor biological age. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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